The first home in Eden was supposed to exemplify to each human family throughout the ages, what a happy home is all about. But the truth today is that many homes have failed. When plans arise to construct a new city, architects get together to decide where they are going to establish the main buildings, etc. God didn’t include any of that in the Garden of Eden. If everything was so good, what happened then? It’s obvious something ruined God’s perfect plans. In today’s Sermon you will find the answer to the question that bothers so many of us, especially: if God is good, why do people suffer?

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TEXT GUIDE for this sermon:
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Click to download. “Keynote – OPEN” means that you can modify, Picture´s order, Texts and Graphics, to your convenience. Remember to download the “Text Guide” for this sermon, you will find it at the bottom.
If you want a Keynote document in English only, and do not want to modify it, you can download “Keynote LOCKED” format by clicking here.
TEXT GUIDE for this sermon:
Once you download the Keynote file, remember to download this document as well, in WORD format. It will be essential to have the entire sermon.
You can download it in PDF format if desired.