The Need to Need

According to the prophecies of Revelation, the day will soon come when every single person living on planet earth will be frozen or forever fixed in their spiritual condition. At that time the entire population will be divided into just two classes – the saved and the unsaved, the saint and the sinner, for the…

The Bread of Life

A balanced diet, chosen from the best foods, will provide the essential nutrients needed for growth, maintenance, and energy. If we choose low-quality foods or do not eat enough of even the best foods, the body machinery will suffer just as the car would by the wrong fuel in the gas tank and water in…

A Merry Heart

Optimism and hope make all the difference. This is a sermon about health, and it is medically known just how important a right attitude can be for good health. First, what is optimism? There are many synonyms and related words: “happiness,” “hope,” “joyfulness,” “positive attitude,” “high spirits,” and “cheerfulness,” among others. Optimism has been defined…

The Need for Integrity

This Sermon is part of a series on health and wellbeing. And strange as it may seem, integrity is an essential factor in the prescription for the vital and exuberant celebration of health. A motivational ingredient is very much at work in the implementation of health practices. That is, it takes some integrity and fortitude…

Let Your Moderation Be Known

As a church we have taken a very strong stand on some substances, and for the most part they are not problems for us. Tobacco and alcohol, for instance, are rarely seen among us, which is good. But that is, sad to say, simply not true anymore, if it ever were. Yet, for society as…

The Breath of Life

How did man become a living being? What happened? God breathed into him the “breath of life.” The breath of life! What a beautiful image that is. Now, I don’t think that anyone knows exactly what that means. After all, amazing as it is, biologists to this day still don’t agree exactly on how to…

The Rest Factor

We all know just how important getting enough rest really is. In fact, sleep science tells us that, as in the case of this experienced instructor, tired minds are much more likely to make serious mistakes. Now, this sermon is part of a series of sermons on health and wellness—that is, physical wellness. And that’s…

What You Believe Matters

This sermon is about health and the relationship of our beliefs to our health. And though the question of the soul is a very important topic, one definitely worthy of our study, this isn’t the time and the place to debate the immortality or the non-immortality soul and what happens at death. We are now…


Pollution of water and air, destruction of natural habitats, and massive industrialization threaten the continuation of life as we know it; therefore, environmental awareness is important to the maintenance of health. After all, you can take great care of your health but if you are breathing tainted air, drinking dirty water, or living in an…

The Liquid of Life

We see water linked to God as the Creator, the One who spoke our world into existence. And, too, we see water here, in Exodus, linked to God as the Redeemer, the One who redeemed the Hebrew nation from Egyptian bondage, a symbol of the redemption that we have in Jesus Christ, whose life and…