The Need to Need

According to the prophecies of Revelation, the day will soon come when every single person living on planet earth will be frozen or forever fixed in their spiritual condition. At that time the entire population will be divided into just two classes – the saved and the unsaved, the saint and the sinner, for the…

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The Bread of Life

A balanced diet, chosen from the best foods, will provide the essential nutrients needed for growth, maintenance, and energy. If we choose low-quality foods or do not eat enough of even the best foods, the body machinery will suffer just as the car would by the wrong fuel in the gas tank and water in…

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A Merry Heart

Optimism and hope make all the difference. This is a sermon about health, and it is medically known just how important a right attitude can be for good health. First, what is optimism? There are many synonyms and related words: “happiness,” “hope,” “joyfulness,” “positive attitude,” “high spirits,” and “cheerfulness,” among others. Optimism has been defined…

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The Need for Integrity

This Sermon is part of a series on health and wellbeing. And strange as it may seem, integrity is an essential factor in the prescription for the vital and exuberant celebration of health. A motivational ingredient is very much at work in the implementation of health practices. That is, it takes some integrity and fortitude…

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