Most people agree that if ever the world needed a message from God to show us what to do, it is now. As we survey Bible history, we discover that God always met emergencies by sending a message to prepare men and women for the coming crisis. He did not left humanity in the dark regarding the future; in each instance, He sent a specific message of preparation. Accepting His warning meant life; rejecting it meant death. Heeding the admonitions given meant eternal security; rejecting them meant damnation.

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TEXT GUIDE for this sermon:
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Click to download. “Keynote – OPEN” means that you can modify, Picture´s order, Texts and Graphics, to your convenience. Remember to download the “Text Guide” for this sermon, you will find it at the bottom.
If you want a Keynote document in English only, and do not want to modify it, you can download “Keynote LOCKED” format by clicking here.
TEXT GUIDE for this sermon:
Once you download the Keynote file, remember to download this document as well, in WORD format. It will be essential to have the entire sermon.
You can download it in PDF format if desired.
According to the prophecies of Revelation, the day will soon come when every single person living on planet earth will be frozen or forever fixed in their spiritual condition. At that time the entire population will be divided into just two classes – the saved and the unsaved, the saint and the sinner, for the great investigative judgment in heaven will have been completed and it will have been determined who will be saved and who will be lost.