Today we shall study the seven last plagues and the battle of Armageddon. An understanding of the order of events preceding Christ’s coming is vital. It is only when we know the time that we can cooperate with Jesus in preparing for His soon return. Although the Bible teaches that Jesus is coming very soon, there are events that will take place before He comes. It is important that we know what is going to take place in order to prepare for Earth’s last hour.

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TEXT GUIDE for this sermon:
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Click to download. “Keynote – OPEN” means that you can modify, Picture´s order, Texts and Graphics, to your convenience. Remember to download the “Text Guide” for this sermon, you will find it at the bottom.
If you want a Keynote document in English only, and do not want to modify it, you can download “Keynote LOCKED” format by clicking here.
TEXT GUIDE for this sermon:
Once you download the Keynote file, remember to download this document as well, in WORD format. It will be essential to have the entire sermon.
You can download it in PDF format if desired.