The mystery in the desert

When Israel was liberated from Egyptian slavery, under the leadership of Moses, God instructed His people to build a tabernacle where He could meet with them through the intercession of the priesthood. The object or this sermon is to explain the institution, by God, of the sanctuary and its services. To teach the people how


Are the dead alive?

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him?” Hebrews 2:6: This is one of the great questions of human existence and it asks a question that has confronted human beings for centuries. “Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going?” The object of this sermon is to show who


The pearl of great price

In this Sermon we are going to be working through some prophecies, which are quite interesting and spectacular when you consider that some of the authors of the Scriptures were not very highly educated people. Some were, some were not. There were farmers, fishermen, kings, and nobles? But what is amazing is that when you


The greatest crime

God made the Sabbath in the beginning There is nothing in the Bible authorizing the observance of any other day than the seventh day as God’s holy Sabbath.The object of this sermon is to show that the Sabbath, as part of the law of God, is binding today. It is not only to be kept


The Sabbath Christ made

The object of this sermon is to identify the Sabbath and understand the reason for it having been given to man. To find that Jesus Himself was an observer of the seventh-day Sabbath and to realize that the Christian should follow in His steps. Furthermore, to learn of the Sabbath as a perpetual reminder, every
