Cutting Edge, Up to Date, Thoroughly Adventist, free Resources
“As a pastor evangelist I am always looking for up to date, cutting edge, thoroughly Adventist resources to support my preaching of the Three Angels Messages. When these resources are free it is an added benefit. The General Conference Ministerial Department has invested thousands of dollars in providing sermon resources to make you a more effective pastor and evangelist. The graphics are powerfully relevant for a generation hooked on mass media. They will enhance your preaching immensely. For over fifty years now I have been preaching God’s last day message in countries around the world and am always looking for resources to make my preaching more effective. I highly recommend this evangelistic web site. It is making a difference in the lives of thousands of pastors and can make a difference in your life as well. Join me in taking advantage of these fully illustrated sermons. You will sense a new enthusiasm for preaching the Adventist message and a new power in your preaching.”